About us


Youth Housing Coalition is a grassroots movement working to empower youth to eradicate homelessness, while also building sustainable communities. We aim to educate a diverse coalition of young people to tackle the Housing Crisis while promoting home ownership.

Our goal is to equip real estate developers and housing advocates with the knowledge to create resilient communities that provide affordable housing. We are also movement connectors, leading people to initiatives and organizations they can support in their local community.


A national network of Gen Z and Millennials who are activists and advocates, investors and developers, and others committed to a single mission: To end and prevent homelessness while ensuring communities are being developed with integrity and sustainability. We believe that safe, decent, and affordable housing is a human right, and we are dedicated to empowering our generation through education and civic engagement to drive progressive change. We collaborate with creatives, policy specialists and organizations to create impactful campaigns and advance our vision for a better future.

Our Values


We will be successful when we lead with our values, stand in our convictions, and engage in innovative strategies. We envision the US as a nation where equity is centered in all systems that affect youth and families impacted by homelessness.

True Diversity

We believe in the power of many different voices. We strengthen our work by including racial, economic, gender, generational, experiential, and professional diversity in our coalition.

Economic Mobility

We believe that racist systems and policies, and systems tailored to create an underclass have historically–and continue to–create barriers to economic mobility. It is necessary to remove obstacles and dismantle oppressive systems in order to end the cycle of homelessness and provide opportunities for economic advancement.

Real Ownership

We believe that people closest to the pain should be closest to the power, and should be instrumental in informing and driving the work.


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